We have Availability Monday - Saturday
Half days: 5 hours max | Full days: 10 hours max
rental RATES include: General setup, cleaning, and facility host. Any additional tables, furniture, or set up needs would include additional fees.
Sundays and Hourly Rates by Availability & Request
Space includes:
450 chairs in assembly style
the Stage
Space can have:
15 - 20 round tables with 150 chairs
Sound System, Microphones, projector, whiteboard, TV available
Half Day Rate starting at $1200
Full Day Rate starting at $2250
Large group room
Space can have:
100 chairs in assembly style
50-90 chairs in table style
10-15 round tables with up to 90 chairs
10 - 15 rectangular tables with up to 90 chairs
Speakers, Microphones, TV, Lights, Projector, or Whiteboard available at additional cost
Half Day Rate starting at $375
Full Day Rate starting at $750
The room can split into two rooms. Rentals for half the space are available at request.
Space can have:
60 chairs in assembly style
38 chairs in table style
Square, circle, or rectangle chairs available
Speaker, Microphones, TV, whiteboard available at additional cost
Half Day Rate starting at $250
Full Day Rate starting at $500
Space could include:
Buffet line
Coffee/Drink bar
Activity stations
Additional seating for the Commons
Half Day Rate starting at $50
Full Day Rate starting at $100
Spaces can have:
10 - 25 chairs in assembly style
2-5 square tables with 10 - 20 chairs
2-5 rectangular tables with 10 - 20 chairs
TV or whiteboard available
Half Day Rate starting at $175 each
Full Day Rate starting at $350 each
Space has:
Coffee Maker
Counter Space
Coffee/Hot Water Crafts
Half Day Rate starting at $75
Full Day Rate starting at $150